American National is a group of companies writing a broad array of insurance products and services, comprised of American National Insurance Company, headquartered in Galveston, Texas, and its subsidiaries. Life insurance and annuity products may be issued by American National Insurance Company or American National Life Insurance Company of New York, Glenmont, New York. Property and casualty insurance may be underwritten by American National Property And Casualty Company and subsidiaries, Springfield, Missouri, Farm Family Casualty Insurance Company, Glenmont, New York, or United Farm Family Insurance Company, Glenmont, New York. In New York, business is conducted by the above companies with a home office in Glenmont, New York. Products and services referenced in this website are provided through multiple companies. Each company has financial responsibility only for its own products and services, and is not responsible for the products and services provided by the other companies. Not all companies are licensed in all states. Terms, conditions and eligibility requirements will apply. Not all products and services are available in all states.
Copyright ©2025 American National Insurance Company, Galveston, Texas. All rights reserved.
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